Jacob Mack

Jacob and Mara get a tad out of hand

Harry Potter premiere, obvs

Adam, Jacob, Topher, some bum, and a painting that looks just like him.
J Mack and Maragunda have been best friends since the beginning of time. He is Mara’s brother from another mother. Basically.
Whitney Fong

Whidget & Marizzle being gangster, as usual

Whitney is my mirror image

Merry Christmas to all...

It would only make sense to jump in this fountain

Like I said, we go wayyyy back
Mara and Whidget go way, way back to when they were naughty high schoolers together and enjoyed sneaking into college dances and pretending to be twin sisters
Sarah Howes

Sarah & Mara are really excited to try on costumes

Merry xmas, love Sarah & Mara
Sarah & Mara have been besties since they were roommates while working as starving actors at the Brownville Village Theatre in Nebraska.
Ashley Decker

This definitely wasn't taken while driving.

Party on the pavement with Juniper

All the cool kids play Scrabble

Lady Gaga, Katy Perry & Ke$ha
Ashley & Mara have been friends since they were first graders at Heart River Elementary School when they still believed in leprechauns and thought boys were nasty
Jessica Holdman

Jessica & Mara play with a gnome
Jessica and Mara have been friends since they worked together as starving journalists at the Bismarck Tribune and amused themselves by taking photos with large animal sculptures and gnomes.
Here is a video depicting their coolness:
Tyler Bartholomew

Barthy working hard as always

Can never have enough eye covers

Taken long before the advent of color photography. And gravity.
Topher Pirkl

Human-cyborg TJ86 after just arriving from the future with a dire warning

Adam, Jacob, Topher, some bum, and a painting that looks just like him.

How cool kids spend their Saturday nights.

I've never seen two people so enthusiastically awkward
Brandon Mink

Brandon silently scheming... like always

Brandon always is so nice to vagrants

I swear I didn't get us lost inside Valley Fair

Jacob and Brandon discovering how cameras work.

I've never seen two people so enthusiastically awkward

Two gents with some fetching caps beards and glasses.
Jacob Steckler

Jacob and Brandon discovering how cameras work.
Mike Sund

How cool kids spend their Saturday nights.